Sunday, 8 June 2008

Shapes, colors and sizes

Candles are widely available in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Choose a color that you think works with your ceremony, and ideally buy ones that are scented with essential oils.
Candle colors link to your aspirations. You can bring in some basic color therapy when choosing the candles to use in your clearing ritual. The warmer or cooler vibrations of the various colors will create a different feel to the room being cleansed; choose one that achieves the effect you desire.
Candles are wonderful energizers, which have a long religious history: temples and churches have the uplifting glow of candles in them, and visitors will often light a candle to dedicate to a loved, deceased relative. In the home the positive, energy of candles will revitalize a room's atmosphere.
Choosing candles: candle colors link to your aspirations. You can bring in some basic color therapy when choosing the candles to use in your clearing ritual. The warmer or cooler vibrations of the various colors will create a different feel to the room being cleansed; choose one that achieves the effect you desire.

Red: a warm stimulating color that encourages physical activity; it can also revive passion in the bedroom.
Orange: a creative color to enliven a room and bring in joy and enthusiasm
Cinnamon: a stable, grounding color that will harmonize a room.
Yellow: a mentally stimulating color that can help arouse lively conversations or increase concentration.
Green: a harmonizing color that brings balance, soothes the emotions, and offers security and protection.
Blue: a calm, cool color that engenders feelings of peace, particularly in the bedroom.
Purple: a soothing, intuitive, and psychic color, used for cleansing meditation rooms and bedrooms.
White: the color of purity; it gives protection and comfort.
Gold: the color of abundance and understanding.
Silver: the color of the moon; a balancing color that encourages change and learning.

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